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Hey youths, do you want to be just like Charli XCX sort of? Anyhow–here are ways you can be so so productive in a brat way.

How To Have a Brat Summer at Work

First off, let’s all look at the elephant in the room: Capitalism is not bratty. It’s anti-brat, honestly. I just want to acknowledge that we’re working with a non-ideal bratian situation, but we can make do.

Additionally, brat summer can last all year. Okay, here are some ways you can be truly brat productive.

Break the rules

Let’s crack some productivity norms! Explore how to do things your own way, whether it’s taking unconventional breaks, working odd hours, or setting your own rules.

Here are some ideas for getting out of your work rut and into something cuter!

Unscheduled breaks. You know we love a planned break, but sometimes our brain is tapped out before a scheduled rest period. Take the break anyway!

Pretend someone told you that you can’t hit a deadline. Make it a challenge! This is especially satisfying if you’ve got someone who irks you at work (Brenda). Pretend they don’t think you can do it, and watch your motivation skyrocket. This machine is powered by spite, baby.

Work from “forbidden” places. Setting up your workspace somewhere unconventional–like your apartment rooftop, your bed, under a tree in the park, at your boss’s house while they’re not home, on the subway floor, hanging from your ceiling like a bat–can stimulate creativity and make work feel less like a chore.

A man seeking brat.

Do the fun stuff first. Traditional advice says do your hardest tasks first, plan your most intimidating projects first thing in the morning, swallow the biggest frog you can find. But that doesn’t sound super brat to me, so try with the most fun or easy task! This can build momentum and make it easier to tackle the tougher ones later.

Doing things your own way can lead to more authentic, effective, brat productivity.

Embrace play

Brat summer is all about fun, playfulness, and doing what you want! How can you incorporate play and joy into your work to boost creativity and prevent burnout?

Turn tasks into games. Gamify your work to bring fun to your boring tasks, making them more engaging and enjoyable, plus keeping your energy up! You can set timers to see how much you can accomplish before they go off, give yourself little rewards for productivity, initiate a challenge with a colleague, or use something like Habitica to literally gamify your productivity.

Dance breaks. Essential. Instead of sitting at your desk all day, take some random dance breaks whenever you feel like a pick-me-up. Blasting your favorite song and flailing around relieves stress, boosts your mood, and increases productivity.

In fact, we’ve got numbers about how different modes of movement affect depression, and look who won. Dancing really is THAT girl.

Graph displaying the clinically important benefit of different forms of exercise, with dance significantly higher than the rest.

Effects of exercise for depression.

Rearrange your workspace. Giving your workspace a fun lil makeover is a great way to stay inspired and make work feel less serious and more enjoyable. Add playful elements like colorful office supplies, a whiteboard for doodling, art, fiddle toys, or the pigeons you befriended with a sub sandwich in the parking lot.

Role-play your day. Okay, hear me out. Imagine yourself as a character in a movie or video game, and role-play your tasks. This can make routine responsibilities feel fresh and exciting, plus stretch your creativity.

Lots of people use role-play for things like house chores–they’ll throw on a little apron and a medieval playlist and tada, they’re a tavern keeper. Closing up a tavern is much more exciting than cleaning your apartment kitchen.

Incorporate toys or tools. Physical play reduces tension and increases focus, so grab some toys! Things like stress balls, fidget spinners, and balance boards are great for short breaks or for staying focused during longer tasks (or staying awake for zoom calls).

Creative brainstorming sessions. Get wild with brainstorms. You can get on the floor with a giant sheet of paper to make a mind map, doodle ideas, or use physical objects to build your concepts. Accessing a playful approach can lead to unexpected, innovative solutions, as it gives your mind the freedom to break away from conventional thinking.

Mixing up your routine, working in a new environment, and integrating fun into your daily tasks can boost productivity, creativity, and wellness.

Be unapologetic

Embrace your unique working styles and preferences, even if they go against traditional productivity advice! Maybe you can work slower, say no more often, confidently set boundaries that others don’t understand, pop that pussy, and prioritize your own needs, wants, and goals.

Here are some ideas!

Set firm boundaries. Be clear with colleagues and family about your availability. Say no to tasks, meetings, or events that don’t align with your priorities. Of course, proceed with caution, as this could lead to getting fired in some situations. But like I said, having a job is not very brat anyway, so…

Prioritize self-care (without guilt). Make self-care an absolutely non-negotiable part of your routine, whether it’s taking regular breaks, letting yourself have a slow morning, or requesting time off when necessary. Prioritizing your long-term well-being makes you more sustainably productive and focused.

Embrace your uniqueness. Whether you work your best late at night, in short bursts, or while listening to loud music, own it! Don’t feel pressured to conform to the ideal productivity routine, because everyone is different.

Stop explaining away your success. Celebrate your wins, big and small, and don’t downplay them! You earned it, so own it! When people compliment you, don’t immediately respond with a reason that your success isn’t truly your success. Say thank you! Recognizing and celebrating your achievements builds self-confidence and motivation. Plus it’s hot.

Be direct about your needs. Stop beating around the bush–be clear and direct about what you need from others. If support, resources, or a time extension would make your life easier, ask for it! Direct communication reduces misunderstandings and helps you get what you need to do your job well.

Own mistakes without dwelling on them. It’s important to acknowledge when you’ve messed up. But after you’ve acknowledged it, take what you can learn from it, then move on! Don’t waste time over-apologizing or beating yourself up about something you can’t undo.

Quickly moving past mistakes (after learning something) keeps you focused on progress and reduces stress. Try to see mistakes as lessons, not as weapons to use against yourself.

Be honest (kindly). No one likes a “brutally honest” type bitch who only seems to have that brutal honesty when it’s time to be mean. Be prompt with your honest, relevant opinions, and don’t forget to also be blatant when it comes to compliments and encouragement!

Prioritize joy

Brat summer works all year, and it’s about having fun and enjoying your life.

Start your day joyfully. Instead of diving straight into work, start your day with something that makes you happy. A morning walk, a dance sesh, cooking a nice breakfast, reading a couple chapters of a book you’re enjoying. Set a positive tone for your day!

Incorporate fun breaks. Taking breaks is essential, but taking FUN breaks is a little bit cooler. Do something you genuinely enjoy that energizes you instead of collapsing in the break room and scrolling Instagram for 20 minutes. Don’t pretend that’s fun for you. Being honest with yourself is also brat behavior.

Make time for passion projects. When it’s possible, focus on tasks/projects that excite and inspire you. If you have the flexibility, work on what makes you happy. If that can’t happen inside of your job or working hours, be sure you have something outside of it that you feel is important (or just fun).

Romanticize mundane tasks. Find ways to make your everyday routines more enjoyable and sexy. It could be adding music, bringing a creative twist to a project, setting up a cozy workspace, or meeting up with a friend for a co-working session.

Our lives are made up of little moments, and those moments will never become magical on their own–you bring the magic.

Celebrate your little wins. Don’t wait for big achievements to celebrate your success! Recognize and reward yourself for hitting small milestones. This helps keep you motivated, reinforces positive behaviors (we are Pavlov’s dogs in the end), and adds some joy to your day.

Practice gratitude. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. You can do this in a journal, or just sitting for a minute to think over those things.

Prioritize positive relationships. In work settings, there are often those people that just drain energy from the room (Brenda), and that sucks joy right out of your body. Prioritize relationships that uplift you, and if you can’t do that in the workplace, do it with friends and family! Positive social interactions reduce stress, increase happiness, and build a stronger support system. Slay.

Ready to brat out?

Stepping from the mold of societal expectations is the only way to truly find your brat. Seek and embrace your truest self, set healthy and firm boundaries, celebrate your accomplishments, and strive for joy in every situation.


Self-managed business owner, self-taught smartass. 14 years of entrepreneurialism, still can't spell it.

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